Indoor plants: Our key to happiness?

Ever considered indoor plants as your next happiness boost? Although they might not be the cure to all your problems, check out top 5 positive impacts they will definitley have on you and how you face your daily activities.

Are Indoor plants our key to happiness? Well, turns out they might be the missing indoor decoration you were looking for to boost your happiness while at home or work. According to several studies, indoor plants can literally make you feel better. So, without further ado, 5 positive impacts indoor plants have over us and the people who surround us:

1. Impacts on Physical Health

Ever noticed how hospitals tend to have plants around? There’s an explanation for this. Indoor plants help in lowering blood pressure. They also freshen the air through their brand new oxygen releases that lead to breathing improvements. 

On the other hand, there’s a bacteria (Mycobacterium vaccae) found in most garden soil and indoor plant soil. This organism helps with breathing, allergies and asthma, while also increasing serotonin levels. And as if it were not enough, indoor plants contribute with a soothing and calming view that helps the patient's recovery.

2. Reduces Stress

In general, being surrounded by nature is a proven stress reliever, so why not having your own “forest extraction” in your home or work space? Indoor plants are known for their ability to reduce stress. A research published in the Journal of psychological Anthropology stated that

“(an) active interaction with indoor plants can reduce physiological and psychological stress compared with mental work. This is accomplished through suppression of sympathetic nervous system activity and diastolic blood pressure and promotion of comfortable, soothed, and natural feelings.”.

3. Enhances Concentration

Nature, both indoor and outdoor, enhances concentration by 20%. A research done by the University of Michigan found that when people go out, even for a small walk, their concentration is increased up to a 20% percent. And it turned out that when participants were shown pictures of nature, their concentration also improved. So now you know! Go out for a walk whenever you feel your concentration is all over the place and, if going out is not a daily option, you can always get some indoor plants to accompany you!

4. Increases productivity 

Although percentages like “38% increased productivity ” and “45% improved creativity” sound like the results from a futuristic machine from a fictional movie, the truth is those are the statistics for the relation between indoor plants and humans. According to the research done by the University of Exeter, well-being also increased by 47%. And it was not only the fact of having plants next to the participants that led to these results, but also being able to design and choose the visuals of their environment. 

5. Lowers background noise

Is your home or work space surrounded by too much outdoor noise? Once again, indoor plants might be your answer. Plants, their leaves specifically, are able to absorb noise. Placing them near windows and doors is the perfect trick to make a away for a more quiet environment (Your concentration will also thank you this).

Isn’t nature wonderful? It gifts us beauty and physical and mental health on a daily basis. Hard to find a reason why not to make space for some new gorgeous green friends to join our work, leisure and living spaces!